On the surface, both depop and vinted seem to be very similar to any other reselling app out there. This does make it difficult to decide whether depop is better than vinted.
Depop and Vinted are very popular reselling apps in their own right, with millions of users in different countries.
However, depop and vinted differ in a few unique ways:
- Difference in audience
- Fee differences
- How you can make sales
- How you get paid (Payouts)
- Shop Policies & Refunds
- Taking time off
Make sure to stick around because we’ll help you figure out which marketplace will make you the most sales on your inventory.
Audience Difference between Depop vs Vinted
First thing that stands out is that depop and vinted appeal to two different audiences.

You can go into either of the apps and have a look at the difference in the aesthetic of the items that are on the explore/feed page.
Ask yourself, “which of these app screens have items that look most similar to what I am selling ?”
Depop trends skew towards vintage items that have a “cool” or “unique” look, which makes sense because depop primarily caters to a much younger and trendy type of shopper. Some examples of popular item aesthetics you find on depop are streetwear fashion, y2k, etc.
Vinted on the other hand has a somewhat different approach. Vinted attempts to target their app towards the average person, often people who are selling clothes or other items that they used to own. You are more likely to find an older audience on vinted than on depop.
This is an important thing to consider because listing items that do not cater to the audience of a marketplace is a sure way to end up with no sales!
Making Sales On Depop vs Vinted

Most popular reselling apps (Depop, Poshmark, Vinted etc) are highly social in nature meaning that the more you engage within the app by following, liking items, listing products etc. the more sales you make.
Both apps are similar in that a key way to increasing your sales on them is to refresh/bump your listings to get them back to the top of search.
On depop, most sellers do this by hand which can take a long time but it is crucial to success on the app. While some other depop sellers use automation tools to quickly complete these crucial tasks, you can learn more about this here
Refreshing/Bumping on vinted is different because it requires you to delete your old listing and create a new one.
However, vinted allows you to pay them to get your items automatically bumped so you don’t have to do it manually. Vinted also allows you to promote your entire store through their wardrobe spotlight feature! (Yes, it also costs money).
You can bump your vinted listings for free using a vinted bot.
While bumping manually on vinted is convenient, it is still an added cost and hit to your profit margins, especially if you pay and end up getting no return on your investment! Definitely something to consider!
Fees Differences Between Depop and Vinted
No seller likes fees! But fees are the price to pay for having a convenient marketplace like depop or vinted to sell your items on.
Fortunately, vinted has got you covered. Most marketplaces charge the seller fees but vinted charges the buyer the fee for the sale as they provide “buyers protection”. So you often find that buyers on vinted are looking for cheaper items/discounts because they have to pay a fee of around 10% for their purchase. Expect the low balling to be a bit more prominent but you’ll be listing your items for a lower price anyways because you do not pay fees as a seller
Depop takes a 10% fee + the paypal fee for your country, this is paid by the seller.
How You Get Paid (Payouts On Depop VS Vinted)
Depop and Vinted take different approaches to how you actually get paid out.
On Depop you get paid directly into your paypal account (including shipping), depop does not have a middleman approach to handling transactions.
Unlike depop, vinted does not pay out your money immediately. Instead, vinted has an escrow service where they hold the funds in your “vinted wallet” until the item has been delivered and accepted by the buyer.
I know you’re thinking “but what if the buyer never accepts it”, fortunately vinted will still release your funds after 2 days even if the buyer is inactive!
If there are any issues, vinted helps resolve the issue and refund the buyer and make sure your item gets returned depending on the situation.
Shop Policies & Refunds on Depop vs Vinted
Depop has something called “Shop Policies” where each seller can have rules or information that buyers can see before buying from their shop. You can also put some of your important policies in your bio on both apps.
Your shop policies on depop can state whether you accept returns as a seller.
This doesn’t mean you are completely free from dealing with your buyers if something isn’t right. Many buyers on depop will open paypal disputes if they are unsatisfied or will threaten to leave a negative review. On depop you as a seller are responsible for contacting the buyer to find a resolution.
As we mentioned previously, vinted has buyer’s protection. This means that vinted has a return policy where buyers can return items they are not satisfied with for several reasons. Some of these reasons being:
- Item not as described/damaged
- Missing
- Cancelled
Vinted helps in the mediation process for both parties.
Taking Time Off
What good is making money if you can’t take breaks ? Many sellers take breaks occasionally for several reasons such as going to university or going on a holiday.
Vinted has a special mode called “vacation mode” which will hide your listings for about 90 days.
On depop, sellers that are unavailable typically have to either mark their items as sold or put that they’ll ship when they return in their bio. Understandably, this can lead to situations where people buy items and complain about the long shipping time.
Here’s the final say:
The honest truth is that you can sell on both depop AND vinted at the same time! These apps do not have listing fees so if you are thinking about selling on them we recommend that you just go ahead and give the apps a try! You can even use a crosslisting app like Crosslister – SellerAider to copy products from depop to vinted and vice versa for free! Download crosslister here.
Some sellers who use both platforms sell different items on each platform. Where they decide to list an item strongly depends on whether the item better fits depop’s audience or vinted’s!
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