Here’s everything you need to know about depop bots.
As a depop seller you spend hours a day refreshing your listings, following, preparing shipping packages and much more. This is where depop bots come in:
What are depop bots ?
Depop bots are software tools that automate repetitive tasks involved in running and growing a depop shop. Most depop bots have features such as autofollowing, unfollowing refreshing listings and more. They come in different forms but the best depop bots from a usability and security standpoint are chrome extensions (Because they go through google’s extensive review process and do not see your password due to using a token based authorization scheme to interact with depop’s servers). The security aspect of depop bots is elaborated on in detail in a later section. An example of a depop bot is a chrome extension grow for depop by SellerAider. Another is a desktop application by Botz.
From a technical perspective: Most depop bots work by interacting with depop’s servers to automate actions. Think of a depop bot as “making a copy of yourself” that effectively does the repetitive stuff you know you have to do to grow (like increasing your engagement and targeted messaging towards potential buyers). However with a bot this “copy” works so that you are free to do other things. Most tasks are handled by making API calls that are the exact same as when you would use the depop app regularly. Here is a simple diagram of how API’s work:

Whenever you do anything on depop, it corresponds to a set of pre-defined instructions on depop’s server (For the uber nerds: an api endpoint). Anything you can do on depop has already been defined. Instead of going to the depop app, and clicking button, a depop bot will typically cut out the middle man and make the request directly to the server. This is what makes Depop Bots far more efficient than….well…you! They automate the boring stuff! (important but boring)
Types of Depop Bots

Okay, so let’s look a bit deeper here. There are several kinds of depop bots available and they mostly differ in the platform and ease of use. The underlying functionality behind a depop bot is the exact same as outlined above.
- Chrome Extension Depop Bots – These kind of bots are largely available as browser add-ons and usually do not (and should not) ask you for your password to use them. From a user experience standpoint, these depop bots can come with their own user interfaces (some more intuitive than others depending on your preference). All chrome extension bots do have the advantage of allowing you to use any website like you normally would while also using the bot (which is something lacking in the other kind of bots below). Chrome extension bots have existed for a long time and exist for many different purposes (Social media growth etc.), these are just some reasons they are highly favoured. The main disadvantage they have is that you NEED to use a specific kind of browser in order for them to be compatible.
- Desktop Application Depop Bots – This kind of bot has actually been the most common type specifically for depop until recently. Although, the large downside of these bots is that you have to download software directly to your computer and provide your password in order for them to work. If you have never spoken to, interacted with or trusted the creator this is something that will raise red flags in anyone’s head who is concerned about security (If you earn money on depop, this should be a concern for you). They also tend to lack the usability and targeted approach that chrome extensions have.
Who is using Depop Bots ?
Many experienced and new sellers on depop use bots in order to automate their workflow and grow their accounts. Even virtual assistants you hire on sites like upwork or fiverr use depop bots in order to provide their services for cheap!
Why use a Depop bot ?

A depop bot is useful for anyone looking to spend time focusing on growing their store, supporting their customers and freeing up their mind to think about the big picture. Contrary to popular opinion bots are not just used by spammers (Although depop bots like the one available in grow by SellerAider & Many others place measures to mitigate spammers and constantly educate users on appropriate use). There are a few specific reasons to use them:
Depop bots are cost-effective & time effective.
Let’s talk about money. A depop bot is a more cost effective tool than getting an assistant or doing it yourself. Most depop bots will pay off in the amount of time they save you & increased sales. If you had some development experience it will also pay off for you. If you don’t and would rather just buy a depop bot but are hesitant, Are you willing to work 24/7 for 12 dollars a month ? no, didn’t think so.
That is around the same amount that some depop bots cost (For example Depop Bot by SellerAider is currently the most affordable depop bot chrome extension & Desktop bots like the one by botzzz is a onetime payment as a bot which is decent)
Personally, freeing up several hours during the month from manual labour is definitely worth it!
Consider how long you spend everyday on depop refreshing your items, taking photos, responding to frustrating low ballers on depop WASTING YOUR TIME ! Your time is worth something ! If you do not think your time is worth anything, just read this
Currently there are very few humans that will be willing to work for you for 12 dollars a month ! Depop Bots are willing to work 24/7 at that price. We feel that an hour of your time is worth way more than 12 dollars a month !
Every depop seller and any kind of seller should focus on using their time wisely. Low ballers waste your time on depop, do you really want to keep wasting your time with repetitive actions as well ? You likely have suffered enough.
Depop bots accelerate your depop shop’s growth ! (via more engagement and by increasing sales)
Depop bots and automation tools can accelerate your growth on depop more than you ever could on your own. Take this from someone who has experience with people (verified sellers and regular) using bots and have personally used depop bots, many people report gaining a lot of followers within MINUTES of using a depop bot and increasing sales as well.
One key to success in reselling, e-commerce and business in general is targeted messaging
With a Depop Bot, you are able to send targeted messages to people easily, for example people who like products like yours and people who are following you. I don’t know about you but doing this manually is a pain.
Depop bots are more consistent than any human could be.
After doing lots of repetitive work you need to do in order to grow fast on depop it makes sense to get tired and not stick to your important timings for refreshing your items and messaging potential buyers . It’s okay, we are all human but being inconsistent tends to kill most depop shops and any other business, which explain the desire to use bots. Odds are that you already know what you need to do, it makes sense to acquire tools like depop bots to make the process more efficient.
Some bots even have specific features that allow you to schedule your depop refreshing. Compared to the alternative of possibly setting a timer on your phone and refreshing, this is by far more helpful and less likely to fall prey to human forgetfulness.
What is the best depop bot available ?
There are several depop bots available and each have their unique merits and problems. The #1 depop bot we can recommend with the best features is SellerAider’s depop bot. This is for good reason, SellerAider’s depop bot currently has the most users, trust and safety features on the market.
SellerAider’s depop bot is a chrome extension and if you’ve read the “types of depop bots” section above, you’ll know that chrome extension depop bots are the safest type of depop bots available for use.
Many users consider their depop accounts a non-trivial part of their income and using just any depop bot can have grave consequences. For new and upcoming depop sellers, SellerAider depop bot is completely free and all features are able to be used indefinitely. Other “free” depop bots limit the features you can use.
Choosing a depop bot is not a decision you should take lightly, it is very important to the long term health and growth of your reselling business.
Will my depop account get banned for using a bot ?
This is the primary concern of many depop users thinking about using a Depop Bot.
In short: Unless you are a spammer, you likely have nothing to worry about.
Depop’s terms of service is AGAINST SPAMMERS. Refer back to the analogy of making a copy of yourself. Can a copy of yourself send 10000 messages out in one click in only a few seconds ? No, this is spam especially if it untargeted/unsolicited. The best Depop bots simulate human behaviour, when you create or use a depop bot you are getting a copy of yourself that never sleeps, not a spam tool. Like most tools, Depop bots can be used for good and evil.
As long as you are a moderate user that does not spam others and do not open multiple tabs to use an extension based depop bot, you will be able to use them without issues. Moderate use is recommended. Only the most responsible Depop Bot developers/providers have a terms of service that recognize this and encourage moderate/non spammy use of their bots.
One thing that is important to mention is that the terms of Depop’s site may change in the future (and they have every right to change it if they want), it helps to keep an eye out for yourself. Many sites change their terms, which is completely fine. You can stay updated on the latest terms of service by joining this discord community
If you’d like to try a depop bot chrome extension for 100% FREE, no card needed. Get started here.
Are depop bots safe ?

Depop bots are generally safe to use. There is an important thing to note though, the level of security associated with using a depop bot really depends on the kind of platform the depop bots is based on. Some red flags (no authority like an app store to hold the creator responsible for harm, no way to contact the creator, reviews from people that have the exact same type of profile image and sounding name)
When downloading anything, practice good security habits:
- Don’t hand over your password to anyone that you do not have some level of trust in and you cannot hold accountable. (This is unfortunately the biggest downside of depop bots that are not chrome extensions. Unless you trust the developer or have a way to hold them accountable, you are seriously asking for trouble)
- Maintain different passwords for each accounts to mitigate harm and reduce the severity of an attack. Since depop is a non-trivial source of income for many people, you should be using a password manager like lastpass.
- Practice good etiquette on Depop by not spamming other users: as we mentioned in the above .