Our Message Bot allows you to send messages to your followers as well as your buyers and people who have liked a specific product on depop in order to target your messages properly.
Instead of throwing out untargeted messages that can be interpreted as spam, the message bot allows you to target the people who would be most interested in buying from you.
These people are typically your followers and people who have like your depop products.
Our message bot enforces ethical usage by:
- Preventing you from messaging the same user twice in a given timeframe.
- Never allowing the same message to be sent to the exact same user.
- Giving you the option to blacklist specific users from being messaged
- Giving you the option to skip users that have EVER been messaged before.
- Enforcing long delays between each message
These are intended to keep you in good standing and protect the users of depop’s platform
“It’s a great bot and has upped my sales a lot it’s also really well priced I highly recommend” – Grace F.
“Working great! I’m glad I found this.” – Maria R.
“Been trying it out for about three days, have had no issue. Like others have stated I like the decent trial period before giving a card. Depop is my fave and to have an extension that makes my life a little easier, cause we all know we could use that, I hope to see many……many more great things to come!!”