Learning how depop bundles work is one of the best things you can do for your Depop business. It’s great for both you and your customers. It can help your customers save on multiple items, and it will help to increase revenue immensely. So you can say it’s a win-win for both the buyer and seller!
We have laid out everything you need to know about Depop bundles below. So keep reading to help level up your Depop business and become a bundling expert.
We will cover
- What are bundles
- How to bundle items on depop
- How does shipping work with bundles
- How to increase your sales on depop (SECRET TIP)
What are depop bundles?
Depop bundles are precisely what you think they might be! A bundle is when a buyer purchases multiple items from the same seller in a single transaction. A bundle can be offered to the buyer with or without free or discounted shipping. Offering a bundle with free shipping gives an incentive for the customer to buy more from you, which brings your business a plethora of benefits. With bundles you can increase your depop sales in a sustainable way.
However, as stated above, you do not necessarily have to give the option of free shipping with a bundle. Although, this doesn’t give the customer much benefit for buying more and buyers absolutely LOVE free shipping.
Depop has a very user-friendly bundle option compared to other platforms. It is essentially just an option that you can turn on or off if you are interested in offering bundles (which we think you should). To advertise that your shop offers a bundle deal, it is advantageous to state so in your bio. This will ensure that the customers know that you are open to bundles. However, you can also only mention the offer when the buyers contact you directly to make it seem exclusive for them. Either way, ensure that the bundle setting is already turned on.
How to Bundle items on depop
Bundling items on Depop is simple for both the buyer and seller.
To create a bundle on depop, you simply have to turn on the bundle option in the platforms settings to activate the offer. Here is how to do this
- Login to depop
- Click on ‘My Depop’
- Click ‘Settings’ in the top right corner.
- Click ‘Shipping’
- Click ‘Bundles’
- Select ‘I pay for shipping’
This sets up up free shipping for the bundle discount.

When you turn on the free shipping option, the buyer will automatically get free shipping when buying multiple items from your shop.
However, keep in mind that you will have to pay for the shipping costs when this option is taken. We will discuss this more below and how you can limit these shipping costs.
However, if you do not want to keep your bundle option on at all times, you can take a different approach.
For example, when a buyer contacts you about multiple items, you can post a separate listing with the combined items and price for the buyer to purchase. This way is more of a manual way to create bundles, but it is still effective and flexible.
How does shipping work with bundles?
Depop Shipping Options
On Depop, the seller has the choice of shipping directly with a shipment service or by shipping the item themselves. When a seller chooses to use a shipment service such as USPS, a shipping label will be automatically created once the transaction goes through. On the other hand, when sellers choose the ‘ship it yourself’ options, they will have to arrange their own shipping items.
Unless you think that using the ‘ship it yourself’ option is the best option for your business, we suggest that it is better to use the prepaid label. Overall it will save you the headache and time as It is much more convenient for both you and your buyers.
Shipping Bundles
When the seller uses a shipping service for bundle packages, the platform will merge the items and automatically create one label. The prepaid label will also change to cover the size of the package now that it is in a bundle. So, for example, when two items that require a small package alone are bought in a bundle, a prepaid label will be created for a medium-sized package.
When using the option to ship the bundle yourself, you can easily combine the items into one package and ship it out.
This demonstrates the significant benefits of bundles as they move inventory quicker and save you on shipping costs. Especially if you offer free shipping on your items and give your customers that much more of an incentive to purchase multiple items from you.
Bundles Discount: Free Shipping
Free shipping and bundles often go hand in hand. This is because the customer’s benefit of purchasing a bundle is usually to get free or at least discounted shipping. Ensure that your item’s listings have the ‘free shipping’ option turned on. Therefore, the shipping discount will be automatically added when the customer checks out with a bundle of items. If that fails, another way to provide a discount is to lower the overall cost of the items, so the shipping costs are absorbed for the buyer.
As a rule of business, make sure the price of the items can cover the shipping you’d be absorbed in a bundle purchase. In general, you can add $2-4 dollars to each item before you post. This will help minimize the potential shipping costs that might become your responsibility.
How to increase your sales on depop
The top sellers on depop are making consistent sales by using automation! Here’s how:
Using a Bot for Depop
These bots carry out repetitive tasks like:
- sending offers to likers
- sending welcome messages to new followers
- re-listing items
- editing multiple listings at once.
- and much more!
Try the best bot for depop here for FREE
Crosslisting App
What if you could list your depop inventory on multiple marketplaces automatically?
This is exactly what you can do with a crosslisting app, they can also help you manage your inventory and de-list items when they sell.
You are 10x more likely to sell your inventory with a crosslisting app.
You can use this crosslisting app for FREE here
Are Depop Bundles Worth It ?
The short answer is YES! You can probably tell that we are big fans of bundles from reading the blog. They do have an element of a bargain in them. Still, They are overall incredibly beneficial for both the buyer and the seller. Especially when the seller offer’s free shipping, the buyer has an incentive and is most likely overjoyed that they get items without fronting the shipping costs. In addition, when you plan out your pricing correctly, you do not have to absorb and lose the entire shipping cost. The seller then ends up with satisfied customers and more sales and cuts back on shipping costs and materials. Bundles are a great option that Depop provides its users and a feature that you should definitely implement in your business.